One of the exciting parts of my role with the Sharan Project is to develop bespoke internal Safeguarding and Harmful Practices training for delivery to our amazing staff at Team Sharon as well as current and future volunteers.
The aim of the training is to provide basic awareness around Harmful Practices and Safeguarding when supporting vulnerable adults & their children.
Safeguarding is everyone’s business, therefore it is important to provide practical tools to front line staff in circumstances when either a risk is identified or when disclosures are made, ensuring that we maintain high quality standards around duty of care and clear safeguarding responsibilities for everyone who works for The Sharan Project.

As the lead delivery partner for EDAC, we have now updated our IT systems and software to help improve our service to clients, keep our data completely secure and ensure an efficient client relationship is maintained. It’s been a whirlwind and a huge learning opportunity for us all.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
Nelson Mandela
With the above quote in mind, together armed with the right knowledge we can continue to campaign and raise awareness with a view to eradicating harmful practices in the UK and around the world. Empowerment through education – delivering training to staff, professionals, organisations, governments and most importantly our clients to live a life without fear and with dignity.