Our Vision is simple:
“To support women affected by abuse to enter or re-enter the workplace.”
We plan to achieve our vision in a number of ways:
- Encourage businesses to sign up to the Covenant
- Increase Partnerships with women’s organisations and charities
- Develop a national programme of Courses for women
- Provide a lifeline for women affected by Abuse and Covid-19
- Increase engagement of BAME women
- Manage a Digital Platform of sustainable work opportunities

We hope our vision will create long term and sustainable impacts in the following ways:
- Achieve economic independence by providing sustainable workplace opportunities
- Increase workplace diversity by recognising the value and strength of women affected by abuse and removing stigma and stereotypes
- Develop a national partnership led model to review and sustain the programme by creating a whole sector approach to tackling domestic abuse.
- Engagement with Government agencies such as the DWP and other partner agencies by signing up to the Covenant to ensure long term advances beyond the term of this project.
- The development of a digital portal to upload opportunities, a direct referral point for JCP work coaches and access to economic informed information and resources