We would like to wish you and your loved ones a safe festive break, and a healthy and happy start to the new year.
The festive season is a time when we recharge and reflect, and given the year we have all had, it is all the more important to do so now.
2020 has been a challenging time due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic; cancelled weddings and holidays, job losses, financial burden, loneliness, and more heartbreakingly, the loss of loved ones. We have all faced unprecedented times this year including those affected by domestic abuse.
We know the short and long-term financial effects of abuse can be devastating and for many, access to employment is imperative to staying safe, because without a job, victims/survivors are often unable to leave the abuse, obtain affordable housing or have the funds to provide for themselves and their children.
COVID-19 has shone a much-needed spotlight on these issues and the need for further funding and resources for those working on the frontline, and whilst calls to services have increased, so too has the need to provide sustainable long term economic solutions.
This is why we are delighted to have launched the Employers Domestic Abuse Covenant (EDAC); a platform for women to access employability tools, resources and opportunities to regain economic independence and to start to rebuild their lives, free from abuse.
With the prospect of continued restrictions, it can be difficult to remain positive. However, we must not let our hope and promise for a better future be dimmed. Through these tough times, the global pandemic has taught us many lessons to carry forward, including the power of collective responsibility, community and kindness.
It is with this kindness and the commitment of our partners, members, volunteers and supporters that we will achieve EDAC’s vision of supporting women affected by abuse to enter or re-enter the workplace and we would like to both invite you to and thank you for being part of this groundbreaking movement for change.
The expression “Tough times never last, but tough people do” epitomises the attitude to hold in the new year. We have been reminded that it is impossible to know what the future holds, but we can go into 2021 feeling more prepared and strong-hearted to face anything together.
We cannot wait to share our exciting plans for the year ahead and we look forward to working with you to bring forth a better tomorrow, but for now, on behalf of myself and our team, we would like to wish you and your loved ones a safe festive break, and a healthy and happy start to the new year.
Polly Harrar, Founding member of EDAC
Supporting women affected by abuse to enter or re-enter the workplace