ENGIE first to sign three Government Covenants
ENGIE’s approach to supporting communities across the UK is about to take centre stage at the upcoming Corporate Charity Partnerships Conference.
Claire Preston, ENGIE social value manager, will sit on a panel of fellow employment giants, such as BT, Asda and M&S to champion the organisation’s drive for social mobility.
At the event, on 9 February, Claire will highlight ENGIE’s role as the first UK
organisation to sign up to all three government-led covenants, including the
Employer’s Domestic Abuse Covenant (EDAC).
In September 2018, ENGIE made its commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant, supporting those who serve, or have served, in the armed forces and their families to ensure they are treated fairly.
In October 2018, ENGIE signed up as a signatory partner to the Care Leaver
Covenant, commissioned by the Department for Education as part of the
Government’s ‘Keep On Caring’ strategy, which supports people leaving care to live independently.
EDAC, which ENGIE became a signatory and delivery partner to in December 2020, is a pledge by businesses to support women affected by abuse to enter or re-enter the workplace.
Claire said: “Being unique in signing all three covenants really sets ENGIE apart.
I’m so proud that we’ve been able to make some really impactful differences to individuals through our work here and I look forward to sharing more about EDAC as we roll it out. For us, these covenants are about so much more than signing a piece of paper; seeing first-hand how we can help to change lives is humbling.”
Through EDAC, ENGIE will offer mentoring, paid roles, workplace skills,
apprenticeships, internships, accredited employability courses, interview training and CV writing support.
Click here to find out more about the Corporate Charity Partnerships Conference or use the links below to find out more about the three Government Covenants:
Care leavers’ Covenant
Armed Forces Covenant
Employer’s Domestic Abuse Covenant