… the first housing provider in England to take the pledge to support women survivors of domestic abuse get back into work.
Leading housing association, Orbit Group, has signed up to The Employers’ Domestic Abuse Covenant, becoming the first housing provider in England to take the pledge to support women survivors of domestic abuse get back into work.
As well as offering jobs and other employment opportunities to women survivors of abuse, Orbit Group is working on training their current workforce on how to spot the signs of abuse and appointing EDAC Champions to raise awareness and break the taboos surrounding victims of abuse.
Founding member of EDAC, Polly Harrar said: “We are delighted Orbit has signed up to the Covenant and we look forward to working together to raise awareness and create sustainable opportunities for women affected by abuse”
To launch the membership, EDAC and Orbit Group are co-hosting a ‘This is Me’ webinar where Orbit employees will hear from guest speaker Shana Begum about her inspirational journey in overcoming domestic abuse and coercive control.
Paul Richards, Group Director of Orbit Housing Association said: “The safeguarding of our customers and colleagues is paramount, and we are proud to be the first Housing Association to sign up to the Employers Domestic Abuse Covenant, which demonstrates our commitment to supporting domestic abuse survivors by providing work opportunities in our diverse and inclusive organisation.”
As an operational delivery partner for EDAC, the Department for Works and pensions is delighted with this news. “Orbit signing up to the EDAC is wonderful news and another example of how employers and partner organisations are really mobilising their efforts in providing concrete support to victims of domestic abuse” Tony Hyland, Senior National Account Manager, DWP
Notes to editors:
- The Employers Domestic Abuse Covenant is the third Covenant in the UK, which follows on from the Armed Forces and Care Leavers Covenants, and the first to address Domestic Abuse. It has been included as a recommendation in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and shines a spotlight on economic abuse.
- Initially piloted across London and Essex, the Covenant was rolled out across England over the summer of 2021 and encourages engagement from businesses, charities, statutory and non-statutory services to enhance sustainable support for women affected by abuse..
- EDAC is delivered by The Sharan Project, an award-winning charity that works to empower, educate and inspire women who want to learn about the support and choices that are available to them, and provide them with the tools to lead life on their own terms. Taking a partnership approach, EDAC works with a range of delivery partners, to include Smart Works and EDAC Signatory Partners Accor Group, Cadent Gas and Engie UK, EDAC is further supported by the Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales. For more information please visit: https://edacuk.org/about/
- The UK government is fully committed to the prevention of abuse and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has a range of measures designed to support people who flee violent and abusive households. The National Employer and Partnership Team, DA Leads and Work Coaches are encouraged to refer clients and Employer Partners to the EDAC.
- The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published a report into workplace support for victims of domestic abuse on 14 January this year. This follows on from a review completed in 2020 .
- EDAC has been included as a recommendation within the upcoming Home Office led Domestic Abuse Strategy and is part of the violence against women and girls agenda
- Polly Harrar, Founder of The Sharan Project is available for interviews. Please contact Kai Akram on kai,akram@sharan.org.uk or call 07939 029 006.
- For Media enquiries please call 020 3267 5144 (DWP) or 020 7215 1000 (BEIS) For all other media enquiries email media@edacuk.org
1 Economic Abuse is a form of controlling coercive behaviour and a common tactic used to gain power and control in a relationship
2 Workplace support for victims of domestic abuse: report from review (publishing.service.gov.uk)